From July 12 to 21, 2024, the Chess Federation of Serbia is organizing an 4th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CHESS FESTIVAL called "SERBIA OPEN 2024". This year, 13 tournaments in different categories will be played at the festival, with a prize pool of over €35,000! We believe that every interested chess player will find a suitable tournament and enjoy our Festival!

Od 12. do 21. jula 2024. godine, Šahovski savez Srbije organizuje 4. Međunarodni letnji šahovski festival pod nazivom "Srbija open 2024". Ove godine, u okviru festivala biće odigrano 13 različitih turnira za ukupnim nagradnim fondom preko 35.000 Evra. Verujemo da će svaki zainteresovani šahista naći odgovarajući turnir i da će uživati na našem Festivalu!

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Below you can see photo gallery from BLITZ FINAL on "SERBIA CHESS OPEN 2023":

List of the participants/Results (

TOTAL: 1126

You can follow the games live on all the major online chess platforms, here are the links below: 

BLITZ FINAL gallery:
